Studio Basics



Manage and customize captions in Augie by enabling them, adjusting their design, and applying animations.

Add Captions

Captions Toggle

To enable or disable captions in Augie, locate the Captions tab in the top menu. Once in the Captions section, find the toggle switch on the left panel labeled Captions are off. Move the switch to the desired position to turn captions On or Off.

Using captions in social videos offers several benefits. Captions make your content accessible to a wider audience, including those who are deaf or hard of hearing. They also enhance understanding for viewers in noisy environments or for those who prefer to watch videos without sound. Additionally, captions can improve engagement by allowing viewers to follow along with the dialogue and key points presented in the video.

Accessible and Engaging

Captions can help retain viewers by making your content more engaging and understandable. Turning on captions improves accessibility for viewers who are deaf or hard of hearing. Easily enable captions using the toggle switch in the left panel of the Captions tab.

Customizing Caption Design

Font and Text Settings

To select and customize the font style, size, and color for captions in Augie, begin by navigating to the Design tab under the Captions section.

In the Design tab, you can adjust various settings to enhance the readability and visual appeal of your captions.

To change the font style, locate the Text section and click on the font dropdown menu. You can choose from a variety of font styles including "Classic," "Amatic SC," "Arimo," "Bebas Neue," "Butterfly Kids," "Courier Prime," "Cursive," "EB Garamond," "Finger Paint," "Impact," "Inter," and more.

For adjusting the font size, select the size dropdown menu within the Text section. The available sizes range from 6 to 144, allowing you to pick a size that ensures your captions are easily readable.

To customize the color, use the color picker found in the Text section. The color picker offers a palette of colors, a color wheel, and input fields for HEX and percentage values. This enables you to match your captions' color to the video's overall design.

Readability and visual appeal are important. Choose a font style and size that viewers can read without difficulty. The color should contrast well with the video background to ensure the text stands out.

Available Fonts, Font Sizes, and Color Options




Classic, Amatic SC, Arimo, Bebas Neue, Butterfly Kids, Courier Prime, Cursive, EB Garamond, Finger Paint, Impact, Inter, and more


Ranges from 6 to 144


Select from color palette, color wheel, HEX values, and percentage values

Position and Layout

To position captions within your video, follow these instructions on how to place them at the top, center, or bottom of the video frame. Adjusting the caption location can help improve the overall layout and readability of your captions.

  1. Top Placement: When you choose the top placement, the captions will appear at the upper part of the video. This option is useful if you want to keep the lower part of the video unobstructed.

  2. Center Placement: Selecting the center placement will position the captions in the middle of the video frame. This is helpful for emphasizing the captions, making them the focal point of the video.

  3. Bottom Placement: The bottom placement option will put the captions at the lower part of the video. This placement is the most common, as it keeps the text out of the way of the main visual content.

To adjust the text layout for better alignment, use the following tips:

  • Ensure that the captions do not overlap with essential visual elements in the video.

  • Keep the text aligned to avoid a cluttered appearance.

  • Use padding or margins if necessary to enhance readability.

Outline and Background

To add and customize the outline and background for your captions in Augie, you can use the Design tab in the Captions section. These options enhance the readability of your captions, especially against varying video backgrounds.

First, ensure that captions are enabled by toggling the switch to On. This will allow you to access the design settings for outline and background customization.

To customize the outline of your captions, follow these steps:

Next, customize the background of your captions by accessing the Background section in the Design tab. Here’s how you can do it:

Text visibility is crucial to ensure that your audience can read the captions clearly. Effective use of the outline and background can significantly improve readability, making your content more engaging and accessible across different devices and lighting conditions.

By customizing the outline and background colors, you can make sure your captions stand out against any video backdrop, enhancing the overall viewing experience for your audience.

  1. Click on the color picker in the Background section.

  2. Select a background color from the palette, color wheel, or enter HEX and percentage values for precision.

  3. Go to the Outline section in the Design tab.

  4. Use the width slider to adjust the thickness of the outline.

  5. Click on the color picker to select the desired outline color. The color picker includes a palette of colors, a color wheel, and options for HEX and percentage values.

Caption Design Options



Outline Width

Adjusts the thickness of the text outline. Options range from 1 to 10.

Outline Color

Allows you to choose the color for the text outline using a color palette or HEX values.

Background Color

Lets you set a background color for the captions using a color palette or HEX values.

Drop Shadow Effects

Applying drop shadow effects to captions can improve text readability and add a stylish touch to your video.

In the Captions tab, under the Design section, you will find the Drop shadow settings. Here, you can adjust various properties to customize the drop shadow effect for your captions.

To begin, toggle the Captions switch to 'On.' Next, you can configure the following settings:

  • Distance: This setting controls how far the shadow appears from the text. Increasing the distance can make the shadow more pronounced, while decreasing it keeps the shadow close to the text.

  • Blur: Adjust the blur level to change the sharpness of the shadow. Higher blur values create a softer shadow, while lower values produce a crisper, more defined shadow.

  • Position: Select the position of the shadow relative to the text. Options include 'Top Left,' 'Top Right,' 'Bottom Left,' and 'Bottom Right.' This affects where the shadow is cast, giving you flexibility in styling.

Using drop shadows enhances the visibility of your captions, especially against complex or similarly colored video backgrounds. It adds depth, making your text stand out and look more appealing.

Applying Caption Animations

Caption Animation Effects

Animation Effect



Default animation with basic fade-in and fade-out effects.

Word by Word

Displays captions one word at a time.


Highlights each word as it appears.


Adds an underline to each word as it appears.


Each word gets an outline effect as it shows up.


Captions fade in with gradual opacity change.


Displays captions with a hollow text effect.


Emphasizes specific keywords in the text.


Mimics the typing effect for each character.


Words appear with a strong, impactful effect.


Amplifies text like it's spoken through a megaphone.


Captions morph from one style to another.

Flash Keywords

Keywords flash to draw attention.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Make sure that the Captions toggle is turned On. You can find the toggle switch in the Captions tab.

  • To change the caption language, go to the Captions tab and select the desired language from the available options.

  • Your caption settings are automatically saved when you make changes, so there is no need for a manual save.

  • In the Design tab under Captions, you can remove the background by setting the background color to transparent.