Studio Basics



Generate video clips with Augie by using the Clip Generation screen to input descriptions and select styles, providing creative flexibility for your projects.

Generating a Clip

  1. Open Clip Generation

  2. Enter clip description

  3. Select preferred style

  4. Enable Generate button

  5. Click Generate button

  6. Wait for processing

Creating Video Clips

Clip Generation Screen

The Clip Generation screen in Augie is divided into two main sections. On the left, there is a script editor, and on the right, there is a Generate a Clip section.

The script editor allows you to input and edit text lines for your video clip. At the top of this editor, you will find tools for formatting your text, such as bold, italic, and underline. There is also a download option. You can click on any line of text to highlight it for further editing.

The Generate a Clip section provides a text box where you can type a detailed description of the video clip you want to create. Below the text box, you will see various preset style options like Advertising, Animation, and Art Materials, displayed as clickable tags.

When you select a style, corresponding thumbnails representing different styles under that category will be highlighted. After entering your description and choosing a style, the Generate button, located at the bottom of the section, will become enabled. This button allows you to initiate the clip generation process based on your inputs.

Start Creating Clips

Use the Clip Generation screen to craft new video clips. Enter a description, select a style, and click 'Generate' to bring your vision to life.

Selecting a Style

To select a style for your video clip, follow these steps:

Generate Clips with Stable Diffusion!

This feature is great for experimenting and getting a peek into the future of content creation. Remember, clip generation is limited to 2 seconds and animations aren't controllable yet. You might see some surprising results, like unexpected movements or background changes.

  1. In the Generate a Clip section, locate the preset style options below the text box where you enter your clip description.

  2. Click on the desired style to select it. The available styles include:

  • Advertising

  • Animation

  • Art Materials

  • Gaming

  • Corporate Scene

  • Miscellaneous

It is important to select a style before generating a clip. If you do not select a style, you will receive an error message, and the Generate button will remain disabled.

Not For Commercial Use

Currently, clips made via Generate in the studio aren't suitable for commercial use. Use them for fun or testing out ideas.

Available Video Styles



Example Visual Representation


Promotes products or services

Images with bold texts and brand logos


Uses animated graphics

Futuristic skyline, flying cars, neon-lit buildings

Art Materials

Focuses on artistic content

Paintbrushes, easels, and color palettes


Related to video games

Game characters, consoles, and high score displays

Corporate Scene

Professional business settings

Office environments, business meetings


Various eclectic styles

Diverse thematic visuals

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The Generate button is disabled until you select a style for your clip and provide a description.

  • The available styles include Advertising, Animation, Art Materials, Gaming, Corporate Scene, and Miscellaneous.

  • The generation process can take several minutes, depending on the complexity of your description and style selection.

  • Yes, you can edit the generated clip using the Edit button above the video preview.