Create a New Video



Explore various starting points for video creation in Augie, ranging from utilizing existing assets like video, audio, and scripts, to creating videos entirely with AI using Augie Storyteller.

From the Main Dashboard, click on Create a new video to view Augie's various video creation options.

Video Creation Options in Augie


Asset Required

What Augie Creates

Additional Features

From Script:
Record my Script


Uses script to create video content from Augie's library of stock

Voice narration

From Script:
Voice My Script


Uses script to create video content from Augie's library of stock

AI Voice
(Select AI Voice or Clone your Voice)

With Audio:
Use My Narration


Include your own audio narration

Add visual enhancements

With Audio: Add Premium Assets


Add premium audio assets to your video

Use premium assets

With Video: Add Picture in Picture


Overlay an additional video onto your main video

Picture in picture

With Video: Subtitle my Video


Add subtitles to your video


From Scratch: Use AI Scriptwriter


Create a script from scratch using AI

AI Scriptwriting

AI Generated: Use Augie Storyteller


Generate a video entirely using AI

Fully AI-generated content

From Scripts

I have a script ready

Augie offers two key options for turning your scripts into engaging videos: Record my script and Voice my script with AI.

View our voice my script with AI guide to learn how to use this feature.

The Record my script option allows you to narrate your own script. To use this feature, click on the Record my script button.

View our record my script guide to learn how to use this feature.

Choose the Right Tool for Your Needs

'Voice My Script' is perfect if you have a script and want to create a video from it. If you need a script written for you, use 'AI Scriptwriting'.

From Audio

I have audio

The Use my narration to make a video option allows you to turn your audio recordings into a video. By selecting this option, Augie will analyze your narration and automatically add relevant images, video clips, and other media to match the content of your recording.

I have video

The Add picture in picture option in Augie will generate thematically relevant overlay videos and embed them on top of your main video for you to edit in the studio..

From Scratch

I'm starting from scratch

The Use AI scriptwriter to make a videooption in Augie lets you create videos even if you don't have any existing assets. This feature is helpful if you want to start creating video content from scratch.

Select the Use AI scriptwriter to make a video button under the I'm starting from scratch section.

All AI

Generate a video using entirely AI (requires credits)

The Augie Storyteller option allows you to create a video entirely using AI.

Learn how to use this feature via our Augie storyteller guide.

Remember to Check Your Credits

Using the Augie Storyteller feature requires credits. Make sure you have enough credits before starting your project so that your workflow isn’t interrupted.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • To start, go to the Main Dashboard and click on Create a new video. This will take you to the a screen where you can choose how you want to create your video.