Create a New Video

With Audio: Use My Narration


Use your own pre-recorded audio narration of, for example a script, to let Augie create a video that you can refine in the studio.

Creating a Video with Your Narration

  1. Upload your audio file

  2. Choose the orientation for your video

  3. Review your settings

  4. Click the Create button

Uploading Your Narration

To upload your audio narration file in Augie to trigger the video generation process, follow the instructions below. This will help you get started with creating engaging video content from your audio narration file.

First, navigate to the Upload Media screen. Here you will see a large area in the center of the screen with the text 'Drag and drop your file here or CLICK TO UPLOAD.'

You can upload your audio narration file by simply dragging it from your computer and dropping it into this area. Alternatively, you can click on the upload area to open a file explorer window. From here, you can navigate to the location of your audio narration file and select it for upload.

Supported audio narration file types include mp3, wav, m4a, ogg. Ensure that your file is in one of these formats to avoid any upload issues.

For the best results, make sure your audio narration file is of good quality. Avoid files with loud background music or noise as this can produce inconsistent results during the editing process.

Once your file is uploaded, you will see the file name in the upload area, confirming a successful upload. You can then proceed with the next steps of your video creation process.

Supported File Types for Audio Narration Uploads

Augie supports various file types including mp3, wav, m4a, ogg, mp4, and mov. Make sure you upload files in one of these formats for the best results.

Choosing Video Orientation

After uploading your narration, you will need to select the video orientation. This step determines how your video will be displayed on various screens and platforms.

To choose the orientation, you will see a screen with a large image of a laptop displaying a video. Above this image, click the Change button to view the available options. The orientation options usually include Landscape, Portrait, and sometimes Square.

  • Landscape: Ideal for traditional videos and most social media platforms. It makes the video wider than it is tall.

  • Portrait: Perfect for mobile viewing, particularly on platforms like Instagram Stories and TikTok. It makes the video taller than it is wide.

  • Square: A versatile format suitable for various social media feeds. It provides a balanced frame.

Selecting the appropriate orientation impacts how your audience views the video. Choose Landscape for a more cinematic feel, Portrait for mobile-centric content, and Square for a balanced approach.

Once you have selected your preferred orientation, click the Next button at the bottom of the screen to proceed. This choice will be reflected in the draft video, optimizing it for the chosen display format.

Edit in Studio

From here, you can return to the Augie dashboard, and see your new video generating under the My Projects table. Once it is complete, you can click the video and enter the studio to begin customizing to your needs.