Create a New Video

With Video: Subtitle my Video


Add subtitles to your video to improve accessibility and enhance viewer engagement using Augie's intuitive tools.

Subtitling Videos in Augie

Create New Video

To begin subtitling your video, you need to upload your video file. Follow these steps to get started. Click the Create a new video button on the main dashboard.

Upload Your Video

Select the Subtitle my video option from the video creation options screen.

Upload your video file by dragging and dropping it into the upload area or by clicking the CLICK TO UPLOAD button.

After uploading, the system will automatically add subtitles and prepare your clip for editing. Please wait while this process completes.

Edit Video

Preview and Save Your Video

After your video is uploaded and prepared, you will be on the video editing screen. This screen allows you to preview your video and make any necessary edits.

To preview your video, click the Preview button. This will show you how your video looks before saving any changes.

If you need to make edits, use the available tools to adjust the video. Once you are satisfied with your edits, click the Save button to save your changes.

After saving your video, click the LET'S GO button to proceed to the next step.

Save Your Work Frequently!

Make sure to save your progress regularly to avoid losing any of your hard work.

Finalize Video

Finalize Your Video

Select the orientation of your video by clicking the Next button. On the next screen, you can review your video to ensure everything looks good. Once you're satisfied, click the Confirm button to finalize your video creation. Your new video project will now be listed on the main dashboard.